Dimitri Kozyrev "Lost Landscapes"
Click here to view catalog “Deleuze, Cubism and the becoming of durée: crystallized space and Bergsonian flux in the paintings of Dimitri...
Dimitri Kozyrev "Lost Landscapes"
1960s Revisited (in Santa Fe) at David Richard Contemporary
Beatrice Manadelman
1960s Revisited - Catalog
1960s Revisted
Chris Kahler "Bio-Dynamic"
Fair City - Santa Fe Gears Up for Summer
Beverly Fishman and Paul Henry Ramirez
Line, Curve, Form
Un-Titled (Abstraction)
The Art of Glass: Transcending from Craft to Art
Traditional and Transgression - In Santa Fe, Contemporary Art Moves Forward in Conversation With the
Former Opera Theatre of Saint Louis Director Opens Art Gallery in Santa Fe
Santa Fe Turns 400
Beverly Fishman "Future Natural"
Paul Henry Ramirez
Paul Henry Ramirez
Beverly Fishman "Future Natural"
SOFA West: Santa Fe 2010